Subject: Re: Dot Richardson, fascinating woman
Date: 31 Dec 1996 06:27:54 GMT
Thought I'd share a transcript of an interview with Dot Richardson that we had in the AOL softball chat room about three weeks ago.
Our guest was Dot Richardson. We had a steady 29-32 people in our room during the hour. I have included a transcript of the questions and answers in this week's newsletter for those of you who couldn't make it. Dot stayed on an extra 10 minutes to help answer a few extra questions.
Now on with the interview which I've edited to include the actual questions and answers only.
SftbllBBS: Hi, Dot. I met you in Chatt., TN at UTC's game, I really enjoyed the clinic. Are you Coming to Chatt. soon, for the opening of the field?
DOT: Yes, I'll be at UTC Jan 18. One of the things I love to do & am trying to make time for are clinics and speaking appearances to try to give back to others. I'm glad you had such a good time. See ya in Chattanooga at 9am!
Mamoo7: Hi Dot!! What's the most effective pitch a pitcher can use to strike out a batter?
DOT: The first two that need to be perfected are the drop with good positioning & a changeup but if you have a good fastball & can position it wherever you want, you can be very effective!
PknLiLet1: Dot what is the name of your new book and what will it be about?
DOT: The title presently is "Dr. Shortstop". What do you think? The book will be about my experiences both on and off the field which will talk about the challenges and the triumphs and hopefully be inspirational.
PROFA:Will you be doing any clinics in NY?
DOT: Right now, I will be in Ithaca College in NY to give a commencement speech on May 18th.
Jwc121: Dot, how do you handle career and competitive softball? Chicago area soon?
DOT: I was just in Chicago for the ARETE Awards. I hope I'll be invited back. It's a great place. It's been tough doing both career & softball. But if you have a passion for what you want to do, things will work out.
SCRAPPYB14: DOT what age do you plan to stop playing ball?
DOT: I'd like to compete in the year 2000 if the team needs me. One motivating force has been our loss to Australia on our home soil. It'd be nice to give a payback! And I'm hoping that I'll be able to open the door to professionalism in our sport. I'll be the shortstop with the cane! Ha! Ha!
MEHALLHBU: Do you ever come to Medical center in Houston and would you combine a trip like that w/ a clinic? Loved you in New Orleans thanks for signing my cam walker.
DOT: Unfortunately, I have not been able to visit the facility in Houston, but I've heard wonderful things about it. And I'd be interested. Jan. 11 I'll be in Texas Women's Univ for a clinic/speech.
BURLEY32: Dot I've been looking for a new bat. What should one consider in purchasing a bat?
DOT: Of course a Louisville Slugger Signaturized bat!!!! Ha!! Ha!! You want to select a bat that is the appropriate length. This means if you're standing with your arms straight down to your side, the knob of the bat should be positioned at your wrist crease. The weight of the bat should be the heaviest bat you can swing without losing bat speed. For example, I use a 33in 25oz.
PITCH4EVER: Dot, I know your niece Lisa. She's my friend. Anyways, how did it feel hitting that 1st home run in the olympics? By the way, thanks for the signed poster. Lisa brought it back for me.
DOT: A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!! I hope one day you get to feel that same feeling. There's nothing like it. Go for it!
BATGRL16: Did players on your team ever not get along? what did you do? Coming to CT?
DOT: Yes, there are teammates that are not the best of friends, but remember you don't have to like everyone on your team, but when you step on the field together, you respect them. Not sure when I'll be back in CT but hopefully soon!
MONI 013: Did you enjoy the clinic in N.O.? I think everyone was touched by your speaking, THANKS!:).
DOT: Loved being in N.O. with everyone. Just wish I had more time to stay to share more.
SftbllBBS: What is the diff. between an endloaded bat and regular? Where is your medal?
DOT: An endloaded has the majority of the weight at the tip of the bat. Even distributioned is when the weight is balanced. To tell the difference, hold the bat in front of you, & if it feels heavy at the end, it's endloaded. The theory is that swinging an end-loaded bat with the same speed as an balanced bat of the same weight, the ball will go farther. I keep my Olympic gold medal in a suitcase ready to go to the next clinic to share it!
Catfan1a: how is David Letterman really? can he hit?
DOT: I don't know about hitting, but he's a good batting practice pitcher!
Mamoo7: Dr. D- I want to be a doctor & I love pitching fastpitch. Do you think that a women's league is in the making in the near future, how do you manage your time, & where can I get your autograph & a red glove ? (I've been searching desparately!)
DOT: First, congrats on your pursuit of a medical career. Helping people as a doctor is like receiving a gold medal every day! There is a pro fast pitch league that is starting up. Mananging time is just something you learn to do when you're pursuing your dream. I recommend the Dot Richardson Signaturized fielding glove. It's awesome, but it's brown with black lacing. Louisville Slugger has a red glove. Write to my fan club for an autograph. Thanks for your interest.
JJones1760: Do you plan to do another clinic in DC area like last year?
DOT: Yes. On Mar 8 & 9, in Wilmington, DE.
Softcoach: how do you keep a left hander from over rotating her shoulder when pitching?
DOT: The key is to work on what's called resistance when the pitch is released. In other words try not to let the left leg step in front of the planted right leg with the follow through. You should be able to draw a diagonal line from the planted right foot up to the right shoulder = resistance.
BANDIT7675: Do u do any clinx or apps in PA ( was at Drifton complx last year for an exhibition)
DOT: Currently, I don't have an appearance coming up, but hopefully I'll be a part of a clinic if I'm asked in the future.
BasBalPlar: Dot, will you be visiting the Shamrock organization in VA. soon? 18-u pitcher.
DOT: Yes. Mar 8th & 9th at the Wilmington, DE clinic if there's time to work it out.
RHutt: Dot, what age do you think you will be when you stop playing softball ?
DOT: Currently, looking to the year 2000!
SCRAPPYB14: Is 38 too old to try-out ??...and your always welcome too come to Chicago to play us!!!!
DOT: Doesn't matter how old you are, just how good you are! Don't let anything stop you from working to achieve a dream!
JJones1760: What is your advice on batting slumps?
DOT: The key during batting slumps is to work hard to not think about yourself. Instead, look to the successes of your teammates. You'll be surprised how your well your game will come around!
Mamoo7: How can I contact your fan club, was it hard making the Olympic team, & did you practice a lot when you were a kid.
DOT: Dot's Fan Club PO Box 678367 Orlando, FL 32867-8367. It took 3 years of trying out to make the Olympic team. It was tough, yet fun at the same time. When I was a little girl, & even now, I would practice as much as I could loving every minute of it!
PknLiLet1: Dot you have your own bat from TPS, your own glove , a new book, and an Olympic Gold Medal. How does it feel to be one of the biggest role models in the world?
DOT: Humbling. Yet, exciting with the opportunity to be able to encourage, even if it's one person, to become the best they can be at whatever's important to them.
RSRUtahUIC: What was your opinion of the Olympic Team selection process? Any future suggestions?
DOT: I think it was tough on the selection committee because there were so many talented athletes. I think it has been a learning experience where hopefully any improvement can be surveyed by each of the athletes who went through the process. I think, too, to emphasize the competitive performance is extremely important. And the Olympic team was a great representative of the talent in our country.
BATGRL16: How often do you practice? What warmups do the catchers do? Are you going to do a clinic in NY or Mass? when? where?
DOT: Because of my medical profession, I practice when time is allotted, which is usually on weekends to get on the field. So during the week, I work on drills in my house & try to get to the weight room when I can. Catchers need to go through good flexibility then work on strength training & sports specific training for the legs. There are a number of other drills on Shelly Stokes Catching tape that I helped produce that I believe will really help a catcher. The only thing possibly in the future right now is signing with Reebok. Maybe I'll be at their headquarters in Mass. to visit. I hope I'm asked to go to the east more in the future.
MONI 013: Do you have an email address, or Web page? If so what is it? Where can I find your glove?
DOT: The best thing to do is to e-mail Trish (because she live's on the computer) and I'm hoping...for a web page in the future. Please keep in contact. Trish will keep in touch & we'll let you know. The fan club is a good avenue, too. Call 1-800-RAWLINGS for the glove (or Dot Richardson S-ball Series (407)316-0130. Ask local sports store to get it. It's AWESOME!!!
HOMSPECTOR: What are the 3 top college programs in U.S.?
DOT: It depends on the division of college you're thinking of. Remember with colleges, choose the college with your major & one you're proud of attending. At Division I, the programs who are considered #1 are constantly changing.
WMath88991: What do you think of the new Women's Professional Softball League? FL? What book?
DOT: The WPF League is led by a lot of people who care about the sport & the athletes in it. I think they've done some great marketing. I hope the dimensions of the sport remain as they are in college. It looks like it has good support. Unfortunately, for the next couple of years, being located in CA, it makes it difficult to be a part of that league, & I think in the near future another pro league may develop, or maybe the WPF will relocate some teams in the west. Then I could be included. In FL, on Mar. 21-23, my annual spring training camp is held in Orlando. Orlando is my hometown. Call (407)316-0130 for info. I hope the future brings me back home! In Feb of '97, the new release of "Dr. Shortstop", an autobiography written with Don Yeager, will be released. Can you believe it?!?!?!!! Hopefully, it will be AWESOME!!! Let me know!
AnteG: Dot, do you ever get nervous during a game? If so, how do you get unnervous?
DOT: Absolutely!!!! If the butterflies aren't going, then the body is not willing! It's OK to have butterflies, but trust the talent God has given you & show the world, & enjoy every minute of it!
KellBellP: Dot, the best, do you have any more winter clinics? Where and when?I will fly to see you!
DOT: E-mail Trish. She has a list of all of them.
DOT: Thanks for sharing this time with me. I'd like to thank Trish for all of her efforts. Thanks for your interest, & I hope we can do this again in the near future. Everybody keep dreaming & work hard to live those dreams.
Dot (your shortstop)
You're welcome to join us for Softball Chat on AOL. It is located in the Grandstand area on AOL and is going into it's fourteenth week. To get there:
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Again, I invite you to come on in on Wednesday nights 9-10 PM ET every week to go around the horn or step up to the plate and discuss the game of softball. We'll chat about slowpitch, fastpitch, adults and youthprograms. Players, coaches, umpires and fans of the game can come in to talk about their plays of the week. Frustrated with a call ... bring it on in and we'll discuss it. Trying to hit the ball farther or just hit at all ... we can share ideas on how to improve our game.
If you don't have access to AOL, I still publish a wekly newsletter for anyone that is interested. E-mail me and I'll send you the latest copy.
Looking forward to hearing from you.